Goblin Points
A podcast covering MCDM, the MCDM community, and whatever else MCDM related.


Game dev sprite artist fairy type • Made @GrappleForce and @PetalCrash with @GalaxyTrail! • av by @ikiruse!
Guest appearance on:

Professional Illustrator | formerly r_squared_art |
Trying to get just a little better than the day before
Guest appearance on:

Novina aka The Nature GM
Using Nature to Delight & Terrify Your Players In Tabletop Roleplaying Games
Guest appearance on:

Patrick Haesler
Patrick Haesler is a composer, performer, sound designer and recording artist from Canberra, Australia. Beginning as a trumpet player, Patrick has since branched into numerous musical fields, drawing influences from jazz and progressive music. In 2021 he graduated from the Australian National University with a Bachelor of Music, majoring in composition.
He has since gone on to work professionally as a composer and sound designer, inluding as Resident Artist with Canberra Youth Theatre in 2023. He has numerous credits in film, videogames and theatre as a composer, sound designer and performer. His versatile ability to write and produce music in a range of styles have made him very valuable for entertainment productions looking for music to match the rest of their multi-media productions.
Guest appearance on:

Co-creator of Witness TTRPG! Wrath of the Iresouls, an adventure for Draw Steel.
Guest appearance on:

Runner of Tamwin's Torturous Test of Tactical Trials and creator of Tamwin's Treasures, Troops, Trinkets, and Traditions.
Guest appearance on:

The Dice Society
Podcasts and YouTube videos about Draw Steel ⚔️ thedicesociety.com