Goblin Points
A podcast covering MCDM, the MCDM community, and whatever else MCDM related.
Goblin Points
Testing Draw Steel, Fun Combat, and Exciting Homebrew | Tamwin Interview
Jon de Nor
Season 2024
Episode 13
This time I'm talking to Tamwin. If you've hung out in the Draw Steel channels on Discord, you've probably seen his name a lot of times. I ask him about knowing the rules seemingly by heart, reverse engineering the kit math, and his experience running tactical test scenarios.
- A Practical Guide to Evil by ErraticErrata
- A Practical Guide to Evil - Table of Contents by ErraticErrata
- Tamwin's Subclasses by Tamwin
00:10 Intro
00:45 Interview
28:45 Outro
- MCDM Discord
- MCDM Subreddit
- Draw Steel Subreddit
- Matt's YouTube Channel
- MCDM's YouTube Channel
- GoblinPoints.com
Leave a comment on YouTube or Spotify, or send me an email at tips@goblinpoints.com.
Theme music by Patrick Haesler.
Art by Chris Malbon.