Goblin Points
A podcast covering MCDM, the MCDM community, and whatever else MCDM related.
Goblin Points
Wrath of the Iresouls, Fun Encounter Design, and Love for Negotiation Rules | Solace Interview
Jon de Nor
Season 2024
Episode 15
This episode I have the pleasure of having Solace on. You might know their name as one of the first people to publish homebrew for Draw Steel, once the creator license dropped. What they published was actually the first published adventure made for Draw Steel.
- First adventure: The Wrath of the Iresouls
- Encounter Tracker
- Ability cards
- Layout Template for Draw Steel (Affinity Publisher)
- Custom character sheets for Patreon Packet 1
- TACTICAL Social Combat? MCDM's Draw Steel Negotiation System EXPLAINED with James Introcaso!
- Star Realms
- Bump in the Dark
- MCDM Discord
- MCDM Subreddit
- Draw Steel Subreddit
- Matt's YouTube Channel
- MCDM's YouTube Channel
- GoblinPoints.com
Leave a comment on YouTube or Spotify, or send me an email at tips@goblinpoints.com.
Theme music by Patrick Haesler.
Art by Chris Malbon.